membership at fbc

This is an exciting time at FBC as we're renovating our practice of church membership. That means now is the perfect time to become a member ... again or for the first time.


Follow along with our sermon series, "We Build Community" as we talk about what membership means at FBC ...



  • Yes. We’ll re-visit and renew our Membership Covenants every summer so that our practice of membership becomes part of our annual discipleship rhythms.

  • Sunday, August 4 will be the switchover date where our active membership will include only those who have completed new Membership Covenants. However, August 4 is not a "last call" for membership. Membership Covenants can be completed at any time.  

  • FBC can be your church home whether or not you’re ready to commit to the responsibilities of membership. While only members can vote on matters of church business; FBC is a place where everyone is welcome to pursue God, build community, and serve beyond ourselves. The invitation to become a member will always remain open.

  • No. Our bylaws encourage members to be actively engaged. Our new practices of church membership will keep us more closely aligned with our bylaws.